Compassionate obstetrics
A seminar where we sum up years of consultations with women on fear of childbirth.
One half of the day will be full with cases, acting and trying to counsel on fear of childbirth from a structured and compassinate approach.
The other half will be on preventing traumatic childbirth experiences. The approach is structured and above all compassionate on how we prepare ourselves as staff, on how we during labour read which trauma response the woman is in and how we meet her there.
The seminar has had excellent reviews from doctors and midwives.

September 26th 2025
Compassionate Obstetrics
Copenhagen, Denmark
Date: September 26th, 2025, 09.00-16.30
Place: Ubuntu-house. Købmagergade 43,1. 1153 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Price: 250 Euro
Subject: Compassionate Obstetrics. A seminar where we sum up years of consultations with women on fear of childbirth.
Language: English
På lager: 40 på lager